I'm a wearer of many hats, but my interests have always been centered around experiences and the natural order of things. What do I mean by that? Have you ever packed your car for a camping trip? There's certainly the "tetris" style of getting everything in just so. Then there's the logical thinking of "let's order the car by what things I need and when, just to make unpacking and setting up easier".

Every process in my life has been that that way; from basement organizing to the order in which I prepare foods (mise en place please!). UX, UI, IA, Interaction Design (whatever name you want to call it) was by no coincidence a great fit for my mind, and enabled me to continue to stretch that logical part of my brain into designing solutions that making lives easier.

For the most part, what I have designed and been involved in aren't apps that people want to waste their whole day away on. And so, they shouldn't have to. I hope what I design makes it easy for them to do the tasks they need to do, in order to save time to do what they want to do. 

A true Aquarius, but a total morning person. I like casual bike rides, but longer road rides are fun too. I have an interest in learning how to kayak or row, or ideally surf, someday. Just being outside is great. 

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